I don't know how many of you are over 18 or even live in the US, but that doesn't matter. The results of the U.S. presidential election will effect you if you are a minor, and even if you live far away from here. It's important now more then ever that we get a good president this time around, the best one. I 'm talking better then Obama, or Bush, or any previous president ever. It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican, Black or White, Hispanic or Asian, Christian or Atheist. There is one clear choice for all I would like you to consider supporting.
That's right, Bacon for president 2012! Bacon just started their campaign and they need YOUR help. You can follow Bacon on
Facebook and
Tumblr. Tell your friends to support Bacon too! Spread the website
http://Bacon2012.com !
Together we can bring a better tomorrow for the USA and for the world. Feel free to ask Bacon any questions you have, I hear Bacon is very willing to answer. With Bacon we have a chance.